TrialTool - Example file format

This is a continuation on the posts about TrialTool and this post talks about the format that the example files should be, so that they can be consumed by TrialTool. Examples can be loaded by
The example file is a simple HTML file that is to be in a specific format. You can use the template located at as a starting point. 
  • Examples can be under categories called example-sets using <li class = 'example-set'> and these categories can be expanded or collapsed using the TrialTool UI. 
  • Individual examples should be under <li class = 'example'> tags. Note the use of anchor tags to indicate the names of the examples and example-sets.
  • Eamples can have an id to identify them uniquely. 
  • Either an example set, or and example can depend on other examples using depends = "id-of-example-this-is-dependent-on"
  • Clicking on "Load Prerequisites" loads the dependencies of the parents of the current example, and then the dependencies of the example. All dependencies are loaded only once.
  • Documentation for example is specified using <div class = 'example-docs'> All HTML inside this is displayed in the Reference Tab at the bottom of TrialTool.
  • If documents are not inline, they are link to other elements inside the body using <link class = 'example-docs' href='jquery-selector-of-documentation'>
  • All scripts and stylesheets defined in the header are loaded in the console. This is done so that examples can use third party javascript or CSS libraries.
You can start by cloning the trialtools on github and using the examples folder. Please do let me know if you are using this to show your API, or need help in cloning.