Here is a screenshot of the script in action, and this script relieves me of the pain of manually accepting challenges. I think that the guys at should have made the UI a little more AJAX based, to be able to accept challenges on the same page.
About the nature of this script, I would not really call this a hack in any way as all it does it automation of work. I think it still is inside the ethical boundary as it only simplifies work, well, thats what iMacros is meant to do.
The main reason i wrote this script was to get a little familiar with iMacros, a tool that has stayed on my extensions-to-explore list for quite some time now. I am planning to use it for automation testing of a web page that I am currently building. The experience has been good till now, and I would recommend the tool for simple automation of web activity.
The script that is generated after recording is a little weird looking, and I am not sure if I would edit or program in that language. So I plan to limit iMacros to basic automation only. I would leave complex logic to be done on ChickenFoot instead.
Watch out for updates on chicken foot that I plan to post later in the day. You could also subscribe to the feed of this blog.