Deploying TwitteyBot on your instance on Google App Engine

If you would like to deploy your own instance of twitteybot on Google App Engine, here are the steps for you. The process is not wholly automatic, and I am looking at way in which I can automating deployments to Google App Engine, and then, configure them. Till then, here are the steps.
or the deployment, would need

    1. Compiling the source
      1. Sync the source code using an SVN client from here.
      2. Open and change sdk.dir to point to your location of java app engine directory
      3. Run ant clean enhance compile. This should create a svn_root/trunk/war directory.
    2. Google AppEngine account
      1. Create a new app engine application. 
      2. Run /bin/dev_appserver.cmd update war to update the source on app engine.
    3. Twitter OAuth credentials
      1. Head to and create a new application
      2. Set the following properties
        1. Application Type : Browser
        2. Call Back URL :[ yourapplication]
        3. Default Access Type : Read and Write
        4. Use Twitter for Login : No
      3. On saving this, you would get a consumer key and a consumer secret.
    4. Open the browser and visit the following URLs to set the consumer secret and consumer key.
      1. http://[yourapplication][consumer_key]
      2. http://[yourapplication][consumer_value]
    5. Your application has been successfully set up.
    You can hit the home page of the application and start managing twitter accounts.
    Note: The database indexes may not be built immediately on the App Engine instance. You may have to wait a while before the indexes are built.