Uploading CSV Files for Tweets

TwitteyBot allows you to schedule tweets - the schedule part is an important usability element. We could work on making a complex web user interface that helps the user with all sorts of scheduling, but a simpler solution is possible. Allowing the user to simply upload CSV files that contain the schedule of the tweets would let the user use other tools like MSExcel, etc to schedule more efficiently. We just released this feature with check- in 71. This feature is deployed on the application also. The CSV file should have the following columns
  1. The date when it should be tweeted. This has to be in the format MM/dd/YYYY (example 12/31/2009).
  2. The time, in the format hh:mm (example 13:15). Note that the hour should be in teh 24-hr format
  3. The actual status message. This can be as long as you want and can be clipped using the web UI. 
When using MSExcel, you can use 'autofill' feature for scheduling. If the date or time filed is empty, the date and time of the previous row is used. A video showcasing the various features is posted below.

Watch out this space for more updates on the twitteybot. You can try out this feature at site, hosted at http://twitteybot.appsot.com