Chroma-Hash - Gradient implementation using Canvas

A few posts ago, I had written about an implementation of Chroma-Hash using a huge background image. The idea was to use the image for generating a unique gradient as the background of the password field.
Some more changes were made to the idea a few days ago that included using canvas for HTML 5 browsers as a gradient generator, and using a salt unique to every user. The project is is available here. The additions in current HEAD revision are as follows.
When "canvas" is selected as a visualization type, a canvas with opacity less than one is placed exactly on top of the password box. Since the canvas is placed above the password box, it may intercept all clicks intended for the password box. Hence, whenever the mouse moves over it or clicked on it, it is hidden. It shows up again after sometime, or if the mouse is moved out of the password box. Apart from this, the hash of the password is taken and a gradient is drawn by splitting the hash into 4 colors.
Another change is the addition of a salt to prevent hashes from being recognized. The salt is unique to a user. Similarly, an option was added to get the salt out of the domain name; a way to protect against phishing. As too many changes to the salt makes it hard to recognize the gradient, I am currently working on a way to indicate the domain color as the starting of the gradient instead of the salt.
The final change is the upgrade to the greasemonkey script. The Greasemonkey simulator was for testing. Currently, it inserts the script into the page and Chroma Hash is activated. One side effect of this is that the script can be found in the edit area of the pages. The next release would remove this and bake the Chroma Hash logic inside the greasemonkey script. Watch out this space for updates.